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МазиJoint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines» produces sufficiently large range of such ointmests for animals: Pichtoin, "Yam BK", antiseptcal emulsion, 10% Ichtyol ointment, 2% Salicylic ointment, Simple sulfur ointment, Sulfur and coal tar ointment, 10% Camphor ointment, 10% Streptocidal ointment, 3% Tetracycline ointment, 10% Zinc intment, Synthomycin liniment 10%, ointment Yahalimp.

Authored by: Management of the factory
(Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region)

Monochloride Iodine usage for the calves safety increasing

Повышение сохранности телятJoint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny.

Numerous academic studies and researches on Monochloride Iodine actions have not yet been terminated. Different experimrnts just confirm highest degree of preparation effectiveness and its generality. Following experiment was carried out by All-Russian Scientific Research Veterinary Institute for pathologies, pharmacology and therapies members.

Authored by: M.L. Iakhaev, Y.S. Vavilov
(Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region)

Monochloride Iodine

Йод однохлористыйMonochloride Iodine — been and still remains the most unique disinfection preparation due to its broadest action range as well as the universality..

Authored by: L.I. Iakhaev, M.L. Iakhaev
(Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region)

Monochloride Iodine is an unique disinfection mean

Дезинфекция сотов для пчелJoint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny.

Since its appearance at the market, Monochloride Iodine remains one of the most effective disinfection means. Its structure had been created by Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines» staff in the town of Gus-Khrustalny. The structure contains iodine, iodide and iodate potassium as well as hydrochloric acid and water.

Authored by: M.L. Iakhaev, Y.S. Vavilov
(Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region)

Extermination of rats medication "Racusid"

Средство от грызунов Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», town of Gus-Khrustalny

Deratization is a war, which is inevitable for each agricultural or animal-breeding company. Sometimes rat extermination becomes the panacea thereof most of deratization means either turned old or not deadly enough for contemporary kinds of rats.

Authored by: I.M. Iakhaev, Y.S. Vavilov
(Joint-stock company factory «Veterinary medicines», Gus-Khrustalny, Vladimir Region)
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